General Questions
Where can I find directions to Urology Surgery Center of Colorado?
View our directions page where you'll find driving directions.
What are the hours of operation for Urology Surgery Center of Colorado?
Our clinical hours of operation are 6:00am - 5:00pm and business hours are between 8:30am - 5:00pm.
Does Urology Surgery Center of Colorado have a parking lot?
Yes, we provide free parking to our visitors.
Do you have a cafeteria?
We do not have a cafeteria at our facility. There is a snack basket, coffee machine and soda machine here for families and there are many restaurants within close proximity to Urology Surgery Center of Colorado. If family members and visitors have specific dietary needs, please plan ahead and bring appropriate foods.
What does NPO mean?
NPO stands for "nothing by mouth". This includes water, gum (gum increases natural saliva production), hard candy, food or drink.
What should I wear the day of my procedure?
You will be provided a surgical gown during your procedure. Please wear loose, simple, comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes. Leave all jewelry and contacts at home. Please keep in mind what you are having done and bring the appropriate clothes. Please remember to leave all valuables at home.
Are there any specific guidelines for pediatric patients (anyone under age 18)?
Yes! Please contact your physician for NPO status (what they can eat or drink pre-surgery) for your child because they have different guidelines than adults. A parent or legal guardian must be present at our facility while the patient is in surgery and recovery, so please plan accordingly.
If you would like to bring your child in for a tour before their procedure, please contact us to set up a time at (303) 385-4880. Frequently, this will help ease some of both you and your childs anxiety. Also, bring a favorite toy, blanket or drinking cup for your child to help them feel more comfortable.
Your child will most likely have an IV in place when they wake up from their procedure, which will be removed after they are awake and taking fluids without nausea.
What medications and medical conditions should I notify my physician or Urology Surgery Center of Colorado about?
If you are taking any heart medications, blood pressure medications, blood thinners (including aspirin and aspirin-like products like ibuprofen), diet pills, herbal supplements or diabetes medications please contact a pre-op nurse by calling (303) 385-4880.
In addition, please contact us if you have any of the following medical conditions:
- Latex allergy or latex sensitivity
- Diabetes
- Heart conditions
- Kidney or liver failure
- Pregnancy
- If you have been feeling ill lately (fever, cough, or other concerns)
Why can't I have anything to eat or drink before surgery?
There are several reasons for this rule. First, if there are contents in your stomach, you are more likely to get nauseated and get sick after surgery, and no one wants that. Second, when anything is present in your stomach, including water, excess saliva, food or drink, these contents can be regurgitated and inhaled into the lungs. This may cause complications, including severe pneumonia.
Why should I fill prescriptions that my physician has given me before I have my surgery?
After your procedure, you may be tired and groggy and may not be up to a trip to the pharmacy. Filling your prescriptions beforehand will be easier on you and you will have pain medications on hand when you need them.
Who do I contact for my appointment time?
Please contact your physician's office the day before your procedure to confirm the correct appointment time.
What can I do to minimize pain after surgery?
If you are having a surgical procedure, you may experience normal pain afterwards. If you have been given a prescription for pain medications, get them filled as soon as possible (before surgery). Stay on top of your pain by taking the pain medication when you first become aware of pain sensations. Remember, always eat before taking pain medications to avoid nausea.
Why are cuts and abrasions around my surgical site important?
If there is a break in the skin around your surgical site, the chance of infection is increased. If you notice any break in the skin anywhere close to the surgical site, please notify your surgeon immediately.
Do I need someone to drive me home and stay with me after my procedure?
Yes, you will need to have an adult take you home after any procedure requiring sedation or anesthesia. This is for your safety. In case you need help at home, you will need someone available to assist you. Patients cannot drive for 24 hours after having sedation or anesthesia.
Contacting Urology Surgery Center of Colorado
Who do I contact for questions regarding my bill?
Please contact our Central Business Office at (720) 279-2673.
Who do I contact for questions regarding Preoperative clinical questions?
Please call (303) 385-4880 and ask to speak to one of the nurses in pre-op or recovery.
Who do I contact for questions regarding financial matters or insurance questions?
Please contact our Insurance Verification team at (720) 979-0010.
Who do I contact for questions regarding lab or pathology results?
Please contact your physician's office as they receive these results and can pass them on to you.
Who do I contact for questions regarding medical records?
Please call (303) 385-4880 and ask for Medical Records.
Who do I contact if I have a grievance?
Please contact our Administrator Doug Lewis at (303) 385-4880.
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